Shukugawa Open
Solid Education for Global Communication
We learn through SOIL Learning Elements
We achieve BASUC Learning Outcome
Learning Program
Welcome to Aiwin International School

We, at Aiwin International School, has a vision to become a globally-recognized leading international school where families, teachers and education leaders work closely together to guide our students in achieving their fullest potential in an international community. Our school believes that each child are unique learners who deserves a holistic and balanced curriculum where they can safely explore a wide array of learning opportunities to spark their interests, build their knowledge and grow their confidence.      Aiwin was first established in 2015 in Mikuni campus with a strong commitment to build a community of well-rounded, confident, creative and responsible learners under a curriculum and care that meets both international and national standards. At present, we continue to provide global education to students of different nationalities in over three campuses, Mikuni, Toyonaka, Senriyama and Shukugawa. Our diverse team of teachers contribute greatly to our international community with their extensive experience and cultural background. Parents actively engage in all the aspects of their child’s education promoting a positive environment for growth and success. Housed under carefully-designed learning facilities, each student experience a differentiated learning that promotes the best of their abilities and strength. Our international school warmly welcomes you to our globally-minded community.

Our Learning Outcome BASIC国際基準のカリキュラム

Aiwin aims to develop children's international skills to thrive in a continuously evolving world by incorporating an internationally standardized educational curriculum. Through our program, children spend their days immersed in English education, cultivating their B.A.S.I.C skills (Balance of mind and body, Adaptability, Self-esteem, Imagination, Communication). 


Campus Listキャンパス一覧


Campus News / Facility


Campus News / Facility


Campus News / Facility


Campus News / Facility

Aiwin Parents' Voices



毎日楽しくAIWINに通い、帰ってくるときには、まだAIWINに居たかったなぁ…話すくらい園生活を楽しんでいるようです。たくさんの素敵なお友達と一緒に様々なことを学び、外国人の先生から発音や話し方学びながら、「勉強ではない英語の楽しさ」を感じてくれているのだと思います。私個人の意見ですが、それが日本人の英語教育において1番大切な事だと思いますので、その点が最も良かったと感じます。 在学生のお母様 O様



アイウィンではフォニックスや音韻認識をしっかり教えて頂いているため、英語の正しい発音が身につき、英語を正確に聞きとる事で、スペルや発音、意味を同時に理解しています。そのため、Preschool(3歳児)になると自然と英語の本が自分で読めるようになり、Junior Kindy(4歳児)になると英語で自分の考えや1日の出来事を話すだけでなく正しい文章・スペルで書けるようになりました。これからの成長が楽しみです。 在学生のお母様 Y様



アイウィンを選んだ理由は、いろいろ見学したインターの中でも、私たちの母国・アメリカ合衆国の教育に最も似ていたからです。カリキュラムも魅力的で、ジミーもクリエイティブな考え方が自然と身につき、英語の語学力はもちろん、数学がとても好きになったようです。スクールでの様子を見ていると、自信を持って様々な活動に取り組んでいると感じます。先生方の愛情あふれる見守りのおかげだと感謝しています。 在学生のアメリカ出身のお母様 S様



姉弟ともに英語、日本語の読み書きはもちろん、算数やピアニカ、なわとびも身につきました。またサイエンスをきっかけに鉄平は宇宙が大好きになり、何も見ずに太陽から冥王星の絵を描くことができ、名前は英語でも覚えています。2人ともプリスクールに上がる頃には吹き替えなしでディズニーの映画を楽しんでいました。なつきは公立小学校へ通っていますが、日本語も全く問題なく、担任の先生も驚かれていました。 卒業生と在学生のお母様 M様

Our Learning Outcome"BASIC"

As Educators, we believe that the early years of learning is the best time to build a strong foundation of modern skills needed to become globally-minded citizens. It is our hope to instill Aiwin's BASIC skills in our students.


Students grow into a well-rounded individual, who values our interconnection with each other and the world around us through an interdsiciplinary and whole-child approach in education.


Students learn to be resourceful, show persistence and develop a growth mindset in face of challenges.


Students develop a positive self-image in a nurturing environment and with dedicated teacher who celebrates a child’s uniqueness and compliments every little milestones they achieve.


Students learn to be creative and explore an array of possibilities through role play, read aloud stories, and art activities.


Students gain the ability to engage in meaningful discussions, reflect on their ideas and express themselves in different ways, whether through daily class meeting, journal writing, science projects, artistic works, PE and Music classes.

  • RAZ
  • Headsprout
  • Seesaw
  • 石井式