
Mikuni Campus was built in 2015 as the first campus among Aiwin schools and since then has been offering it’s dynamic curriculum and school programs from students 0 to 6 years old. Mikuni campus is a school community of over 60 students and 13 teachers and staff from different nationalities.  It is situated in Yodogawa City, as part of the vibrant city of Osaka. As a consequence, our students have easy access to numerous educational and recreational areas and facilities that supports learning in the early years. Mikuni campus is a certified Nursery Care Facility by Osaka City Government (Ninkagai). It is also qualified for Government Sponsored Education Benefits (Mushouka). 


Our Classrooms &Learning CentersFor Resourceful Learning

All our classrooms contain inviting and engaging learning centers and resources, which the homeroom teacher intentionally uses throughout the year based on the children’s interests and areas of weakness and strength. Dramatic play center, Math manipulative center, Science center, Arts and Crafts center, Literacy center are just a few examples of what children explore at their own pace through purposeful play. Use of technology is also used in centers to enrich learning experiences through our online reading workshops, research and creative activities.

Our Library and Media Roomfor Innovative Learning

Strong literacy skills are key to academic and professional success. To support students love for reading, Aiwin offers a library containing over 500 books as well as a great collection nursery rhymes and children songs. The library resources are available for students to take home and share the joy of readig with their families. Students also learn from a wide range of digital reading resources through the use of our tablets and computers. Like our books, students can also access our digital reading resouces at home that helps strengthen home-school connection.

Our Gym & Playgroundfor Physical Development

Physical activity extends well beyond physical health, having a positive impact on the domains of motor skills, psychological well-being, cognitive development, social competence and emotional maturity. Our students have ample of rooms for physical development both indoor at the gym or outdoor on the playground. Students have a wonderful time outdoor doing their daily morning exercises, PE classes, outdoor games, gardening and even pool time in the Summer.

Our Cooking StudioFor Hands-on Learning

With the use of their senses, our students explore and disover food and nutrition in our cooking studio. Our modern kitchen features a cooking studio for the children to work collaboratively with their teachers and peers on cooking projects. Children learn a great deal about math and science and improve their social skills dramatically in cooking projects. More importantly, they learn to value food and develop a pleasure of sharing meal time with their friends.

Our Nap room & SECOMfor Safety &Comfortable learning

Student's safety and comfort come first at Aiwin. All of our classrooms as well as entrance and playground are equipped with security cameras and connected to an internal monitoring television constantly observed by our staff. All rooms have emergency buttons connected that calls for security team. For comfortable napping, a spacious traditional Japanese-style room carpeted with waterproof Tatami are kept clean and neat for students to rest and re-energize within the day.

Faculty Teachers

  • Pamela Salgado

    Pamela Salgado

    Kindy Homeroom Teacher


  • Maria Fiel Borela

    Maria Fiel Borela

    Jr. Kindy Homeroom Teacher


  • Faubrey Michaela Aguilar

    Faubrey Michaela Aguilar

    Nursery Homeroom Teacher


  • Wayne Jinks

    Wayne Jinks

    Preschool Homeroom Teacher


  • Junko Tsujimoto

    Junko Tsujimoto

    Homeroom Support Teacher


  • Kanako koyama

    Kanako Koyama

    Homeroom Support Teacher


  • Saya Sugiura

    Saya Sugiura

    Office Coordinator


Specialist Teachers

  • Kana Ogawa

    Kana Ogawa

    P.E Teacher


  • Katsura Kojima

    Katsura Kojima

    Music Teacher


Annual Events年間行事・イベント


April 4月

Start of Spring term春学期スタート

Back To Schoolバックトゥスクール

Easter Celebrationイースター祭

May 5月

Family Picnic親子遠足

Children's Dayこどもの日

June 6月

Start of Summer Term夏学期スタート

Open Day保育参観日

Numeracy Week算数週間


July 7月


Pool Playプール遊び

International Festivalインターナショナルフェスティバル

August 8月

Summer Schoolサマースクール

Summer Break夏休み

September 9月

Start of Autumn Term秋学期スタート


Literacy Week読書週間


October 10月

Sports Dayスポーツデー

Halloween Partyハロウィンパーティ

November 11月

Thanksgiving Party感謝祭

December 12月

Winter Concertウィンターコンサート

Winter Break冬休み


January 1月

Start of Winter Term冬学期

Science Week科学週間

February 2月


March 3月

Doll Festivalひな祭り


Graduation Day卒園式

Spring Break春休み




※Pre/ JK / Kの学期ごとに社会見学がございます。

Mikuni Campus

  • Address

    1-36-21, Nishimikuni, Yodogawa-ku Osaka-shi, Osakafu, 532-0006

  • By train

    Subway Osaka Midosuji Line, about 10 minutes on foot from Higashi Mikuni station, exit 2
    Hankyu Takarazuka Main Line, about 10 minutes on foot from Mikuni station, North exit

  • By car

    About 10 minutes from Shinosaka depending on traffic
    (Please use the parking lots available around the school.)

  • TEL


  • FAX
